The Dot Experience in the News

WHAS 11 recently visited our office to interview client, American Printing House for the Blind (APH) and Solid Light Creative Director Ben Jett about the community-based, inclusive initiatives guiding the development of The Dot Experience.

In September, Solid Light hosted its first session with the project’s community Prototyping Group, focused on effective information, tactile, and media methods. The group is comprised of local participants who represent varying abilities and lived experiences. Participants touched, looked at, and listened to different prototypes related to base design components of The Dot Experience.

Focus group participants testing the sound quality of different speakers, volume levels, background music options, and sound bleed between exhibit booth prototypes.
Alongside Solid Light Project Manager, Jackson King, two participants are reading a sample braille panel and evaluating for ease-of-use, sizing, material preference, and more.

One of the focus group participants, Scott Spaulding, joined APH, Solid Light, and WHAS 11 to talk about the importance and meaning behind a museum designed with accessibility and inclusion in mind from the very beginning. Scott shared how often times, people with disabilities miss out on a lot museums have to offer because it is not accessible to them. Scott is an eager participant, ready to do his part to help shape this new experience.

Solid Light Creative Director, Ben Jett, reviewing a prototype with focus group participant, Scott Spaulding.
American Printing House for the Blind Museum Director, Mike Hudson, talking about what makes this museum experience different from the rest.
Focus group participant, Scott Spaulding, explaining how accessibility can change the way many people experience museums.

Thank you to WHAS 11 Reporter, Grace McKenna, for the opportunity to share how The Dot Experience is progressing as well as the hopes and dreams behind the museum–and why this project is so important.

Watch The Dot Experience segment on WHAS 11.